Modern Jail Management Software to Empower any Facility

Meet our highly configurable, mobile-ready JMS, ready to be scaled to your organizations' exact specifications.

Modern Jail Software Configured for YOUR Organization

Imagine what your organization could do if it left antiquated legacy systems behind.

Highly configurable to your organization specifications

Not only is Mi-Case’s JMS fully configurable to your organizations exact specifications, but it also possesses the ability for customers to control and update permissions for many features themselves, removing  the need for the customer to request Mi-Case get involved with every minor change. Additionally, toggle certain features on and off to create a more customized experience based on your team’s needs.

Modern, responsive technology that frees up time & ends manual processes

The Mi-Case Jail Management System scales for use on any mobile or tablet device. With an intuitive, easy-to-use interface, you can access accurate, up-to-date information about your facility’s offenders right on your handheld device. Jail officers can use Mi-Case JMS to log observations, movements, rounds, and track activities, all without carrying around clunky laptops.


Reliable system

Track inmate booking and release to ensure all policy and procedures are properly carried out and recorded.

Seamless sharing

Share information and data between courts, corrections agencies, and law enforcement so jail personnel have the critical information they need.

Safety first

Ensure the safety of inmates and staff, including tracking inmate movements, automated alerts when security-related issues exist, managing threat groups and keep separates for housing assignments.

Regular enhancements

A comprehensive software as a service (SaaS) that allows you to focus on the business of running a jail–not whether your servers are operating or have been properly patched.

Built on our Framework that makes implementations faster and unique customizations the standard.

Backed by the Same
Mi-Case Standard

Configurable to your needs

Backed by real time support

Maintained through evergreen technology